Pencil+ 2.1 and Liquid+ 1.35 are now all compatible with 3ds Max 2008. Pencil+ 2 also has compatibility with 64 bit 3ds Max. Current product users are allowed to update them on our user page.
* What Updated Data Contain
The latest Pencil+ 2 and Liquid+ support 3ds Max 2008, and have fixed some bugs. As for Pencil+2, it also supports 64 bit 3ds Max. To learn update details, see their release notes.
[Notes] The network rendering plug-in for Pencil+ 2 has been also updated. Please, download the latest version found on our website.* To Update Your Products
Current registered product users for Pencil+ 2 and Liquid+ are allowed to update their versions to the latest. To get new versions, visit the Product Download on the PSOFT user page.